More CelebRAtion!

When I’m pretending to be productive I make glass beads at my little shop/studio. My bench is usually pretty untidy with glass rods and tools all over the place and sometimes the clutter includes some RA teams that live here rather than at home… note the magnets, the fabulous North Pole bauble, various baby RAPS, and a whole host of Valentines delights courtesy of (you guessed it) Guylty…

Guylty knew I had had a visit to hospital and was kind enough to send me all sorts of goodies to cheer me up.  It certainly worked.  😄


7 thoughts on “More CelebRAtion!”

  1. Hey, you are off to a great start in blogworld, it seems. Two posts in a day – bravo. I love seeing your working environment. It really oozes creativity. And once again I am thrilled to see some familiar pieces on and around your work bench. I think it’s a fantastic idea to store some of the RAvotionalia at your work place. Too often, when I get stressed out by work, I need a little light relief, and having a plushie handy (or any other RA memento) does the trick. Especially when it comes with a reminder of your fandom friends. xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s why RAPS are so handy! 😄 And all the other goodies too. They aren’t all on display most of the time, but there is always something to cheer me up. And pretty much all of them originated in your creative and fertile mind 😉


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